Tommy Stupek, Class of 2017: A Born Leader
Tommy joined the US Navy after much thought and consideration regarding his career and life choices. He has always loved mechanical things and working with his hands, but combining that with a strong academic experience was hard to find. After some soul searching and a few starts and stops he paid a visit to The US Navy Recruiting Office to learn about careers in the Navy and was drawn toward The Naval Nuclear Power Program. Once he successfully tested into the program he made the brave decision to commit the next six years to the US Navy and our Country.
Upon arriving at boot camp he was tapped to serve as his Division’s Recruit Chief Petty Officer (RPOC) which had him in a position of leading over 80 recruits through their bootcamp experience. Tommy says that his years at Mount Vernon as captain of the football and wrestling teams served him well. He was responsible for keeping his recruits motivated, on task, on time and in unison. After bootcamp Tommy was sent to Charleston SC to start “A” School and will graduate on December 7, 2019. He was tapped again as a leader in the classroom and given the responsibility of Master At Arms.

Tommy is an incredible young man who I love very much. He is a tremendous example of how to deal with minor setbacks and turn them into major accomplishments for his future. Tommy has always exhibited really good leadership qualities and it’s so good to see him using those abilities to influence those around him. I am so proud to see the accomplished young man that Tommy has become, but honestly it doesn’t take me by surprise. He has an extraordinary support system with his wonderful parents, brother, and sister, and also his lifelong MV Family. We are so proud of you, Tommy!
-Coach Wayne Dabbs

Honored to Serve
In this role Tommy is responsible for scheduling watch and cleaning rotations and the general wellbeing of his classmates. Upon graduation he will be advanced to Petty Officer Third Class. The next step on the journey toward nuclear qualification takes Tommy to Nuclear Power School also in Charleston SC. Training ramps up for more classroom instruction on college level in the math and science of reactor operation. His days are spent in the classroom with a classified curriculum strong on thermodynamics, physics, electrical theory, chemistry, engineering, reactor plant technology, radiation controls and reactor principles.
Upon graduation Tommy will remain in Charleston for another six months of Prototype Training on a nuclear reactor before he accepts his first deployment. He has volunteered for submarine duty and is eager to to serve on a nuclear powered, ballistic missile-carrying submarine. Tommy is extremely proud and honored to serve and defend this nation. We are so proud of him.
Mount Vernon Legacy
- Varsity Football, Grades 9-12, Captain Grade 12
- Varsity Wrestling Grades 9-12, Captain Grade 12
- Varsity Track and Field Grade 11