Believing school can and should connect learning to real-world experiences, we are excited to partner with organizations and agencies in the city of Sandy Springs to encourage children to help not only their parents but parents of other young children, to become more aware of the wonderful resources and places to play in Sandy Springs. The project served as an amazing learning experience for our children – both around language and literacy and also around civic engagement.
This year, Preschoolers produced a digital and print resource, designed for families of young children, highlighting the playful places in our city. Each class partnered with a park or business in Sandy Springs. The children visited their respective locations multiple times this fall — taking pictures, making drawings, dictating stories, and interviewing important adults — to understand the benefits of their chosen area. Then, they produced an informational description (including pictures, drawings, and words). Ultimately, the work from each class was compiled into a comprehensive guide of Places to Play in Sandy Springs.
As young citizens of Sandy Springs, we want our children to feel they have a place and a voice and are important to the growth of our city. While they are little, they have big ideas they can share with grown-ups around them. Our hope is that this experience will support our youth to grow into teenagers and adults who are committed to fostering community wherever they live.
Kelly Kelly, Head of Preschool
A Letter From the Mayor
A REaL Book
Mount Vernon Presbyterian Preschool Presents
Places to Play: Sandy Springs: A guide to our playful city by children, for children!
A project in conjunction with Visit Sandy Springs and the Sandy Springs Office of the Mayor, edited by:
Kelly B. Kelly, Head of Preschool
Erin Carey, Preschool Head of Learning and Innovation
Chelsea Owens, Early Preschool Teacher
Places to Play: Sandy Springs
A guide to our playful city
Places to Play: Mount Vernon
A guide to our school by our students